How to Join NMVA

Thank you for your interest in joining National Military & Veterans Alliance (NMVA). Our application process is quite simple.

Please send an email from whatever email address you use for conducting your organization’s official business to with a paragraph or two stating why your organization would like to join NMVA.

In that, please include this information:

  • a brief history of the organization, including in what year it was founded;
  • your organization’s website URL as well as links to any/all social media accounts;
  • a list of any other coalitions or alliances to which your organization is already a member;
  • the names of all individuals who will be your organization’s points-of-contact for NMVA business, including his/her/their role(s) within the organization and for how long he/she/they has/have been with the organization.

You are welcome to include any other information (as attachments, links, etc.) that you feel might be relevant to current NMVA members in making their decision about your organization’s membership request.

The above information should be received by NMVA no later than close of business on the Wednesday prior to the next regular NMVA meeting. (NMVA meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 1:00pm Eastern, unless that is a Federal holiday, and are currently virtual only.)

Once you send that to NMVA, we’ll let you know the date of the meeting for you to join us and provide you the web link to that meeting. You’ll be given about 5 minutes at the very beginning to go over your membership request.

The information you send to NMVA will be shared with current membership before the next monthly meeting for their digestion ahead of time. These organizations will also be given the opportunity to ask questions of you after you’ve presented your case. The vote by current NMVA members on the question of your membership will take place via email vote following that meeting.

You will be informed via email as to the outcome of that vote.

Once a member of NMVA, your organization will be added to all NMVA comms and is expected to attend (virtually for now, eventually will be in-person with call-in info) each month’s NMVA meeting on the third Monday of each month at 1:00pm Eastern.

We look forward to having you join us!